Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another idea for a book...

Here is another book I've come across that we might consider reading: a complicated kindness by Miriam Toews. "A work of fierce originality and brilliance, Miriam Toews' long-awaited third novel explores the ties that bind families together and the forces that tear them apart. It is the world according to Nomi Nickel, a heartbreakingly bewildered and wry young woman trapped in a small Mennonite town that seeks to set her on the path to righteousness and smother her at the same time." (That's from inside the front cover.) Let me know what you guys think.


At 18:01, Blogger ypkjorli said...

I vote for Orlando. I have the book waiting on my shelf because I have recently become a Virginia Woolf fan.

At 20:20, Blogger librarychik said...

No reason why it can t go on the list though...

At 14:48, Blogger Garden Girl said...

I want to read them all too, and I'm glad if I do read another Virgina Woolf book, that I'll belong to a discussion group when I do, because, man, I read Mrs. Dalloway and found it very difficult. The movie was fantastic, the book was a challenge. Is Orlando her biography? I bought the 'secret life of bees' the other day, it's a very small book. Don't worry, I'm not going to read ahead, it's just being added to 'the pile'. I had a bit of a binge at Chapters on the weekend. Healthier than vodka, but I felt just as high. And it was a necessity, there isn't a public library system in Montreal, just a collection of private 'public' libraries and they really suck.


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