Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Apathy, anyone?

I'll admit it - I haven't finished the book yet and I'm not sure if I will. I just can't seem to get into it. It's feeling a bit like homework and I am in full-on procrastination mode. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way. Like Y, I've noticed a serious lack of posting and it's fueling my own procrastination.

I have a suggestion. Despite my completely terrible efforts in regards to this book (and this is partly because I am in a post-baby blues slump), I am really enjoying being in the book club and conversing with everyone about a literary topic. I think, in general, that we all read books fairly quickly. I know that I started to lose interest because I was trying to read only four chapters a week when I am used to reading an entire book in three days. Maybe we can just set a date to complete a book by (ex: reading Golden Compass or whatever the next book is by Feb. 20th) and then discuss the book in its entirety rather than chapter by chapter. It might not be as in-depth, but it should encourage just as much discussion as each person hits on the different things that resonated for them. Plus, having a set due date will prevent my procrastination tendencies if I'm less than enthused by the chosen book.

Any thoughts on this? And my sincere apologies for my apathy so far...I will try and do better next time out!



At 18:54, Blogger Violette said...

Good Idea. I confess that I too have rather lost interest. But, should we say give another week or two to let people have their final say on this book? I do eventually want to reply to Y, but I have been monster-busy!


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