Saturday, April 29, 2006

Daemons again...

I have a couple questions about daemons. Firstly, In the first book Lyra explains to us how it is unacceptable to speak to or touch another person's daemon. But in the second book Pan talks to Will, and Mrs. Coulter's monkey strokes the old guy's snake when she's trying to seduce him (I can't believe I just said that). So, is it really that it's 'unacceptable', or is it actually very intimate, so at Lyra's age she was taught that it was unacceptable (like sex would be for children), but as she ages and becomes interested in Will she realizes that it is an act of intimacy rather than inappropriate, and you need to be old enought to understand/experience this.

Also, do daemons eat? I assumed no, but then they describe Mrs. Coulter's monkey in the second book picking the seeds out of the pinecone. It seems to imply it was eating them, although it doesn't actually say it was eating them. They are physical manifestations, they can attack and move things, and can be hurt, but they disappear when they or their person dies, whereas the person's body remains after death.


At 19:32, Blogger LilyMab said...

I'm a bit fuzzy on some of this myself. I honestly have no idea if daemons eat or not, but I also assumed not.

As for daemons and is acceptable for daemons to touch each other (daemons make contact with each other a lot in all the books...especially the creepy monkey). It is also alright, but highly unusual, to speak to another person's daemon. Daemons rarely speak to anyone but their own human. Ex: when one of the gyptians is dying, Farder Coram speaks to his daemon in the first book. It is never acceptable for a human to touch another human's daemon. The only acceptable time it happens is when Will picks up Pan in the third book by mistake...and then it seems like both Lyra and Will are surprised that it does not feel forbidden...I think it's a sign of how closely they are linked at that soulmates.

That's my take, anyway!

At 16:07, Blogger ypkjorli said...

Good points! I think that you are both correct. Lyra thinks it's 'unacceptable' for daemons to touch the same way that sex is 'unacceptable' for children. In book 3, right toward the end, Lyra's and Will's daemons are all over each other.

Yeah, I don't think they eat either....


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