Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Eragon - the book

I just finished reading "Eragon" (yeah, I'm a bit behind). Admittedly, after all the hype, I was disappointed. However, since it was apparently written by what? a 15 year old, well, okay, I'm impressed. Yeah, it was plot driven (just like everything else on the market), which was the main source of my disappointment, but his use of language was quite good. Characterization was good for the secondary characters, but I found Eragon's character contraditory at times. It also seemed a bit strange that his swordsmanship and magic were reportedly so good, yet within the first few seconds of a fight (or other such obstacle), he flunks out (ie, he's always one of the first people to get knocked unconscious or get captured). You'd think he'd be able to hold off the enemy a little bit longer if he was really that good.

Should I see the movie? I heard it was a bit of a let down.



At 18:35, Blogger Violette said...

Good grief, no. If you thought the book was only so-so, you'll think the movie is dreadful. It just really does not stand up to the standards of the latest fantasy epics (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia).

Save yourself a few bucks and a boring couple of hours. Skip it.

At 14:24, Blogger Garden Girl said...

I second that motion. I didn't read the book, but I did see the movie. I didn't even see the end, I was so bored I just left the room and did something else.

It had a lot of potential though, I think that was the most disappointing part.

On another note: They will be filming part of The Mummy III in my library soon, we have an amazing history of medicine collection in a special room, all ancient looking, with dead bodies under the floor and everything (not kidding!). Brendan Fraser and Jet Li...yum...

Living in an old city like Montreal can be weird.

At 11:58, Blogger ypkjorli said...

Oh, GG! I envy you! Mmmm, Brendan Fraser and dead bodies. Yum!

At 10:38, Blogger librarychik said...

I third that, don't see the movie.

OH GG, I am sooo jealous as yk says...yum yum


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