Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas

And they're off ... off for Christmas and off reading. So far, four out of seven of us have voted on when to start reading (see posting titled "Next", Tuesday, Dec 20) . Right now the majority is for the first week after Christmas, although that could change if the other three vote soon.

However, in the meantime, my book is waiting for me at the library and I am ready to begin reading. So... I propose that we begin blogging about the first four chapters starting January 2, 2006!!!

What do you think, can you start reading and have something to say by then? Let us give a try shall we?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Pre Book Club Appetizer

Has anyone read 'Life of Pi'? This book absolutely traumatized me. To top it off, Rick tells me that it was all a dream, a figment of the characters imagination. Was it really, am I that clueless?


Next poll and then we can get to reading!!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Working out the details

Okay, rather than making everyone post long suggestions, let's vote and get reading!

Poll number one: How often to post?

Results = most in favour of posting every week, so let's give it a try :-)