Saturday, March 04, 2006


Okay. We'll assume all of you have either started reading, or have read it before and so will know what I'm talking about.


Isn't that the coolest concept? And have you noticed that all men have female daemons, and all women have male daemons? It's kind of like Yin and Yang, the female half balances the male half.

Here's a question: If we lived in Lyra's world, what do your think your daemon would be? I'm thinking some sort of a cat for me. Does anyone think anything different for me?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Are you reading?

Hi folks, I am not posting about the book yet, I have been so busy with a new job that I have to admit to being really behind. But I just wanted to know if you are all reading and how far behind am I with the book?

ciao for now!