Friday, November 10, 2006

Glad to be back!

Hi all, I'm so glad we're back. Most of my groups (virtual and physical) do take a hiatus (as mentioned by YK) over the summer, so I wasn't too concerned about our lack of activity.

I read lots this summer, for some reason I was in a 'sequal to Jane Austen novels' phase, read a ton of 'em, all bad! Except one, the first book in a 3 part trilogy looking at 'Pride & Prejudice' from Mr. Darcy's point of view, entitled 'An Assembly Such As This'. I loved it! Can't wait to start the second one. Even though I KNOW what happens, I couldn't put it down, eager to see what would happen next! It's a whole different perspective and thankfully the author is NOT trying to be Jane Austen. However, I find that her own personal style gives Mr.Darcy a heartfelt romantic side that was not in Austen's works (granted, she wasn't writing about Darcy). You feeeeeeel his internal battle and it's very romantic. She also does a pretty good job showing us how he managed to act like such an ass when really underneath he's a swell guy.
If there are any Austen readers out there I do recommend this book, but as for all the other 'sequels' I read this summer, leave them on the shelf.

Going to a book reading tonight at the McGill Bookstore, author of the 'Yarn Harlot' is talking about her book. I hope to buy a copy and meet some other knitting enthusiasts.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Eragon - the Movie!!!

Perhaps this is not news to everyone, but it was news to me. They have made a movie out of Eragon, and it is coming out December 15th! A month away! I had no idea. And I'm usually pretty up on these sorts of things. Don't know how this one got past me. Anyway, I've blogged about the Eragon series before. Right now it consists of two books, Eragon and Eldest, and there will be a third book to the trilogy which has not come out yet. This series was penned by the very young Christopher Paolini, who will be turning 23 this month. This is an amazing accomplishment for such a young writer. As I have said before, the books are not perfect. You can tell the author is young, the writing lacks a certain polish and flow that would come with more time and practice, but the books are still very good. So if you haven't tried them yet, give them a go and then go and see the movie. It's sure to be Dragon-licious.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Hello everyone!

Glad to be back in the game (at least, I'm hoping there's still a game).

A good friend of mine lent me a ton o'books, including Terry Pratchett's latest, 'Thud!' I'm not quite done it yet, but I can assure all the Pratchett fans that it's as good as all the others and includes plenty of Discworld anachonisms for your laughing pleasure.

Next, I plan to read 'Wicked' by Gregory Maguire. tee hee

Hope to hear from you all soon,