Glad to be back!
Hi all, I'm so glad we're back. Most of my groups (virtual and physical) do take a hiatus (as mentioned by YK) over the summer, so I wasn't too concerned about our lack of activity.
I read lots this summer, for some reason I was in a 'sequal to Jane Austen novels' phase, read a ton of 'em, all bad! Except one, the first book in a 3 part trilogy looking at 'Pride & Prejudice' from Mr. Darcy's point of view, entitled 'An Assembly Such As This'. I loved it! Can't wait to start the second one. Even though I KNOW what happens, I couldn't put it down, eager to see what would happen next! It's a whole different perspective and thankfully the author is NOT trying to be Jane Austen. However, I find that her own personal style gives Mr.Darcy a heartfelt romantic side that was not in Austen's works (granted, she wasn't writing about Darcy). You feeeeeeel his internal battle and it's very romantic. She also does a pretty good job showing us how he managed to act like such an ass when really underneath he's a swell guy.
If there are any Austen readers out there I do recommend this book, but as for all the other 'sequels' I read this summer, leave them on the shelf.
Going to a book reading tonight at the McGill Bookstore, author of the 'Yarn Harlot' is talking about her book. I hope to buy a copy and meet some other knitting enthusiasts.